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Service Center

Rental Applications available on August 28, 2024
Comprehensive Support for Basic Needs and Services

The Service Center meets many needs, including rent, mortgage, electricity, water, gas, and prescription assistance, birth certificate, social security acquisition, monthly dental clinic, work boots, non-skid shoes, educational life and job skill classes. During peak summer and winter months, we provide fans and heaters to those who qualify.


  • Proof of Longview residency

  • Photo ID (for all persons in household 18 or over) 

  • Proof of income or assistance for entire household 

  • Social Security cards for all members of household

Family Service Center Areas of Assistance

LCM offers financial assistance to help pay utilities for families in crisis. These funds are available to those who have a bill within five days of the due date or disconnect date. Utility assistance is provided with proof of payment for the remainder of bill with LCM paying the last portion of the bill. Assistance may be for electricity ($100 max), water ($50 max), gas ($50 max) and spaced at least two months apart. Utility assistance is limited to a maximum of 3 assists per utility (every 2 years), for a total of 9 utility assists in a lifetime. The bill must be presented, and must be in the name of the person requesting the assistance. Attendance of LCM’s financial management classes is required after the 2nd and 3rd utility assistance, in order to receive further financial assistance of any kind.

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